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id: 1256
Lamb Weston (LW) ERP System Issues Case
D. Idaho
Case number07/25/2023
Class period Start04/03/2024
Class period End08/12/2024
Lead Plaintiff motion deadline- $LW stockholders filed a claim against Lamb Weston for hiding problems with their new ERP system.
- On April 4, 2024, $LW dropped by 19.4%, losing $2.83B in shareholder value after the financial results were released.
- Lamb Weston investors can join this case to be notified about potential recovery.
Case Details
In July 2023, Lamb Weston announced the completion of a new software system called the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
Management highlighted that the ERP system would "strengthen its operational infrastructure" by enhancing efficiency and reducing costs.
However, on April 4, 2024, Lamb Weston faced major difficulties with the ERP system. It supposedly mismanaged inventory and orders, causing shipment delays and cancelled orders.
These problems led to a loss of $135M in sales for the Q3 of fiscal year 2024 and a reduction of $330M in their sales forecast for the full fiscal year.
On April 4, 2024, as a result of this news, $LW dropped by 19.4%, losing $2.83B in shareholder value.
Based on these events, $LW stockholder filed a claim against Lamb Weston and its leaders, accusing them of the following:
- Lamb Weston overstated their new ERP system prospects.
- Problems with the system caused them to lose $135M in sales and cut $330M from their sales forecast.
Considering all the representations, investors have reasons to suspect that Lamb Weston hid the significant problems with the ERP system.
Case Status
Lead Plaintiff Appointed
Alleged Offence
Misleading Statements,
Financial Misrepresentation,
Suspected Party
Security Type
Trade Direction
Shock Event Date
Filing date
Lead Plaintiff Deadline
Candy W Dale