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id: 800
Target (TGT) LGBTQ Merchandise Backlash Case
M.D. Florida
Case number10/06/2023
Lead Plaintiff motion deadline- In May Target faced backlash over LGBTQ-themed merchandise.
- $TGT fell nearly 15%, losing billions of shareholder value.
- Investors suspect Target of divisive ESG and DEI mandates, causing backlash from working families, and misleading risk monitoring after LGBTQ-themed merchandise backlash.
Target faced backlash on social media following their pride display that popped up in stores towards the end of May, with some taking to the internet saying they were going to boycott the store due to the pro-LGBTQ+ campaign.
Because of this situation, $TGT fell 15% in May, seriously damaging shareholders.
Investors have reasons to suspect Target & its Accountables of adopting divisive and extreme ESG and DEI mandates which exposed it to backlash from its core customer base of working families, such as race-based hiring quotas and a recent Pride Month campaign which drew significant coverage and misrepresenting the adequacy of its risk monitoring when customer backlash over LGBTQ-themed merchandise caught it by surprise.
Case Status
Motion to dismiss denied
Alleged Offence
Misleading Statements,
Failure to Disclose,
Suspected Party
Security Type
Trade Direction
Shock Event Date
Filing date
Lead Plaintiff Deadline